Nice tune and style to it, i thought the static didnt really fit in though, and it was a bit plain, but still a nice song!
Nice tune and style to it, i thought the static didnt really fit in though, and it was a bit plain, but still a nice song!
Heh. That's not static. That's the "Ocean" part. I glitched it. It's meant to sound... Ethnic... But scrambled, like.. A sea of confused emotions. The original of this, which would be Tranquil Sea... Is a piece very emotionally touching to me. Check it out.
Thanks for the review by the way. <3
i must say i prefer the first one, the effect on the guitar sounds a bit weird, kinda of distracts you from the piece, and the whole piece is just a repetition. But the tune is good, so 7 from me!
woopdy doodles, thnx for th 7! and ya its just repitition, i made an hour and i didnt fell like makin it longer
I liked the song, but i thought it was a bit to repetitive and didnt really go on any where, still a good song.
I didn't like the start but once the other instrument joined in it got much better, it did have a joyous feel but some parts a bit more spook than fun, still a good song overall!
Hahah I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the review!
Really cool, i can't give it a 10 cause it needs some guitar and other things but apart from that its really cool.
Could you give me the notes for this so i can play it, you know tab form like 10 -4 etc.
Nice, i agree that drums or something else to flesh it out could sound a lot better but it still sounds cool, a nice piratey feel to it!
Hi, its PIE the bassist from Lostcause,
Anyway i thought your song was awesome , maybe a bit repetitive, but the guitar solo was wicked and it all had a cool feel to it!
I have worked so hard in getting the solo's sounding good cos my old stuff had solos that didn't fit with the bassline. Shame I don't have a good guitar VST. Oh well i'm getting Ministry of rock soon anyways.
Anyways, glad u liked it, cheers for the review
I heard tis on Tetris-Stick and had to come and download it for my I-pod, it's awesome really catchy and yet stil reminds you of tetris, nice work!
Email me here: pied3[at] to talk about anything. - Credit and thanks to W-P-S for the portrait used in my icon and profile image.
Joined on 4/13/08