First things first, it's good that you have a preloader but the play button is a little osbscure. It apperas to be a small pebble? It's hit area is also a little wacky.
And after pressing that, why does the animation stop again on the title screen? This seems a little unnecessary, pressing play once should be enough to watch the whole movie. Again, the play button is literally the title and this is a little obscure too, there are no roll over effects and it's hit area is the same size as the actual text. It required skill to get the movie going again! Always make sure you have large hit boxes for all your buttons and atleast some roll over effect (no matter how subtle).
As for the actual content it was decent. You have a clean artstyle and the black white (whilst a bit bland) looked nice enough. The red hearts & kisses were a nice touch. I liked the background music, though you should have credited the author (even if it's you!).
The concept was a little strange, two robots floating on a cloud meet each other and fall in love? Well okay! But perhaps a little more explanation could make it more engaging. Why were they floating on clouds? What made them attracted to each other? Something at least that the viewer can relate to.
Oh and seeing as you like robots, you might like to know it's Roboy Day on July the 10th and if you submit a robot animation then you enter the side wide competition. Perhaps you'd like to spend the time and make a longer, more plot driven robot animation and release it then? Just a thought.
Keep it up!