It's a real shame this only has one review because i thought it was brilliant! The first thing that struck me was the interesting character design. I felt it had a very greek feel to it but i don't really know anything about greece i don't why. The personification of the sun and moon in to an office setting was highly original and your use of sound effects was lovely too. The music and the art style produced an excellent and engaging mood that immediately had me hooked and draw in to the world. I really can't think of much to criticize, the heads always being side on was perhaps a little awkward but i loved how you animated the turning around as a rotation. Very cool!
The story was definitely a little hard to follow and i never understood the point of conflict between the clouds and the sun nor why he got so angry. Perhaps some subtitles would be nice, but then again that might ruin some of the ambiguity and generality of the plot. Lot's of nice transitions (i especially liked the pan up from the basement to the water cooler). All in all definitely one of the most enjoyable flashes i've seen a good while. Keep it up!