Hello there,
I have just finished my new site:
And i was wondering what you guys think? Do you like it, what should i change? What should i add?
Thanks for reading,
Email me here: pied3[at]hotmail.com to talk about anything. - Credit and thanks to W-P-S for the portrait used in my icon and profile image.
Joined on 4/13/08
Posted by PIED3 - March 13th, 2010
Hello there,
I have just finished my new site:
And i was wondering what you guys think? Do you like it, what should i change? What should i add?
Thanks for reading,
Nice Site, And i'm jw but when is that flash coming out?
Er... Yeah sorry for the delay on that, im working on it as i type (well ive paused obviosuly i can actually type and draw at the same time) and all ive got left to do are some missing backgrounds, but everythings colored and animated, so im gunna say it will be out with in 2 weeks.
Alright man, I think it will be awesome
lol 4 weeks later
neat site